Monday, July 23, 2018

A Joyful Season

This blog post took me longer to write than I originally planned. The last 14 months have been monumentally life changing to say the least. In May of 2017 I was in the darkest place I have ever been in - ashamed and guilty because I had lost focus on what really mattered (I was seeing the glass half empty instead of half full) and my definition of love had gotten flipped upside down and twisted. I wasn’t loving myself, my family, and others the way God intended. Last May I started over with a blank canvas - and going into senior year with a blank canvas is both terrifying and frustrating. The only things I knew for sure on that first day of school was that I had a great friend group, volleyball team, and family supporting me, that I was going to Trevecca the following year, and that God was with me. My senior year was the best year of my life- I know that’s very cliché and that I said the same thing about junior year (PSA it wasn’t really all that great of a year). I was making senior year my own and following the Spirit. I stepped outside of my comfort zone and joined basketball, which I’m convinced was the second best decision I’ve ever made, after following Jesus of course. I went to as many church youth events as I could, soaking up every “last” I could get my hands on. When 2018 rolled around, I was ready for the year that would change my life… I just didn’t realize how many changes were headed my way. In the past 7 months, it seems like every stable thing that I could count on has suddenly changed. Allow me to explain… In February my youth pastor who has been there for me for every step since the sixth grade announced he was taking a senior pastor position. I had to say goodbye to my home for the past 14 years and all of the amazing friends that went with it. (Side note - graduating was literally the greatest experience of my entire life. I have never felt so proud of myself and free at the same time. Plus graduating at church was a pretty stellar experience. Also I’m very thankful for my parents who helped me throw my graduation/birthday party because even though it rained the whole night, I’ve never felt so loved and thankful for the blessings in my life. The feelings wrapped up in graduation and the joy I felt also showed me that a lot had changed in a year… my life was back on the right track again so thanks God.) God also answered two of my prayers/questions when it came to my past relationship and the one I will hopefully have in the future. He also introduced me to lifestyle changes at camp and a conference called Six8 Fellowship that happens at Trevecca (I’ll elaborate on those more in a minute). Another change that has come has to do with my Mom’s health. She was diagnosed last year with a condition called radiation neuropathy - this is a side effect of being a cancer survivor. It basically means that the amount of radiation that they treated her with when she had a brain tumor at age 12 and when she had cancer back in 2009 was too much for her body and her nerves are starting to shut down. This condition shows itself in symptoms of other diseases. For example, I’ve thought she might have Alzheimer's for the past few years because she has a hard time remembering names and small details. She also frequently falls when she loses her balance or when her hip doesn’t raise each leg the same width off of the ground. To add to that, the company that she and I work for is moving to Miami, meaning that she’s joining disability and I’m joined the unemployment line right before college. I’m not writing this for your sympathy because our family is more thankful than ever for the time we get to share together. Plus even though Mom has radiation neuropathy, she’s still got plenty of years left. However, the Wigart's are more aware of our time ticking by so we took a trip to Wisconsin to see half of our family a few weeks ago. That trip quickly turned into one of my favorite family vacations. Mom, Dad, and I are even gonna take one more trip before school starts - a cruise to Alaska. Seeing the whales and the glaciers has been on mom’s bucket list for years and since this is probably the last year where she’ll be able to walk around by herself, Dad has pulled out all of the stops. It’s actually been really sweet watching them get so excited for this trip these past few months! To highlight one more very obvious change that’s approaching in my life… college is a thing. I don’t think I’m necessarily scared or nervous - it helps that Trevecca is literally my dream school… but this new kind of independence is fascinating to me. I already have a strong group of mentors and friends going into this and God has certainly provided in the financial aspect of things, but this much responsibility and freedom is honestly intimidating. I’ve never been this excited and more at peace for a new season!

Now for the information I originally wanted to communicate -
This summer has been absolutely amazing. I got to spend 3 weeks at Camp Garner Creek - one as a high school camper and two as a counselor (middle school and tween). I got closer with my friends, met some new mentors, spent time with my roommate, and maybe met a new college best friend. During my time at the campground, I started taking my devotional life seriously. I discovered how refreshing it can be and for the first time in my life, I wake up every day longing for that time with God. It’s been so great to explore different ways where I can grow closer to him through the simple and ordinary. I also figured out at camp that my minor will definitely be youth ministry and not children’s. Don’t get me wrong, the tweens were so fun and it was an amazing week but my heart lies with youth. Thrown in the middle of these weeks of camp was VBS where I got to spend another week watching God open the eyes of my sweet preschoolers. We were in Babylon learning about Daniel and I can’t wait to continue to watch my little ones grow closer to the same God who provided for Daniel so well. I also got to learn about God’s provision in a slightly different way at Six8 Fellowship. I was skeptical going into this week long intensive because of my past experiences. Last year was Six8’s first year of existence and when I went, it made me question everything. I left heartbroken and overwhelmed and tried to suppress memories because the week had pushed me past my comfort zone and to the next continent! This year we talked about Creation Care. I wasn’t very excited going into the conference and thought we’d be talking about a “liberal agenda” all week. However, within the first two days the Lord had convicted my heart. I was looking at this topic like it was basic and needed no attention when God had brought me there for a reason. All week I wrestled with the reality that this growing population is killing our world and that food can be tied into almost every controversial issue right now in politics. I met new friends and grew stronger in my “liberalistic conservative” beliefs. Since coming home, things have changed a lot. I’m not moving to South America to start up a farm and feed half the world’s population but I’m dreaming small. I’ve made the decision to be conscious of the companies I buy from (try it if you dare). I’ve also ditched plastic water/soda bottles completely. When we go out to eat, I’m bringing my own take home containers so I don’t have to waste that styrofoam or plastic take home box. I’m using reusable grocery bags and taking a weekly visit to the Farmer’s Market. I pray for my food differently, intentionally thinking about the journey my food has taken to reach my plate and bless me with energy for a few hours. Finally, my family and I are starting to explore what truly practicing Sabbath would really look like. Yesterday was our first time trying it and it was actually really fun. We had a devotional time together, shared a meal at home instead of out at a restaurant, and talked about life. While I’m not sure how this practice will look once I go to college, I know that I’ve learned so much about a new lifestyle that I feel called to this summer. I’ve been challenged to be intentional and conscious with my food and with my relationship with God. While college is scary and staring me straight in the face, I know that I’m about to enter and invest into the best years of my life. Thanks for taking the time to read this and support me. Have a great last few weeks of summer!

1 comment:

  1. God is incredible! I'm so glad your life has taken a turn for the better since last year! And this next season of your life is definitely going to be challenging, but remember that God always has your back and he loves you.
    Don't worry, because that's all that matters.
