Friday, May 31, 2019

Kenya: Prologue

When I said goodbye to my family and walked through the security gate of the Nashville airport, I had no idea what God had in store for me. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be one of ~those~ people that embark on a mission trip to Africa and return completely changed… those people that find God, themselves, and peace thousands of miles from home.
To say I have never experienced any trip, especially a mission trip, like this would be the understatement of the century. I was face to face with hidden stereotypes I held that were about to be flipped upside down. I got to see a modern city, the beautiful rural countryside, a school in the slum of Mathare, a Christian University in the heart of Africa, and a safe place for God’s most precious children in a small town.
God knew my heart was aching, still trying to heal from brutal heartbreak that found me in 2017. He knew that Satan had come this past semester and tried to take the joy and strength I had built up. He knew the lessons I needed to learn before my 2 month internship in Puerto Rico that starts in about a week. He knew the inner desires of my heart - that all I truly wanted was to be made WHOLE in Him.
I found God in Kenya. It took over 8,000 miles to finally jolt me awake, to set me on fire again, to expand my view on the world and on God. I found God in the unexpected places. Sure, I saw him in the children we met there… but He had so much more to give than a few good pictures to add to my instagram aesthetic (no images of the children will be put online, FYI, so if that’s what you’re looking for, go find another blogger).
I found God through students at ANU, a car wash, a starry sky, a gust of wind, a ~downpour~ of rain, a slug, a chapel service, little conversations, fellowship over meals, a cemetary, a teacher, a bridge, a camera, a hymn book, personal stories, a rainbow, a couple bracelets, dancing in church, doing something that terrified me, a kind & giving soul, a sunrise, a paint brush, Kenyan tea, and a water bottle.
I left my phone in the US - the greatest decision I’ve ever made. The second greatest decision I’ve ever made was holding myself accountable and journaling every night of the trip. I have 70 pages and 2600+ images full of memories that were 99% free of the distractions of technology and home. Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing my stories: experiences, relationships, and a few pictures as I process this gift from God. Welcome to my journey through Kenya - I hope your read today shows you a glimpse of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

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